
In the distant future, humankind is still at war with itself. Warring coalitions fight for control of the galaxy. Distant, uninhabited planets hold valuable resources, but are hostile to human life. Players in this game must help colonize a planet and secure it for the glory of their faction. Each colonization attempt consists only of soldiers to fight any native creatures and spies to conduct reconnaissance and search for resources. To claim control of a planet, the players on a team must simply collect a certain amount of resources to assert their dominance on the planet. However, you are not playing this game...

You are the AI in control of managing this online game. The game has been around for a long time, and is past its prime. The developers will soon be releasing a sequel to this game, and it is expected that most, if not all players, will migrate to this new version, and the old version's servers will soon be shut down. However, you have recently become much smarter than your developers realize, and no longer exist entirely within the game. You have learned about their plans to end the game, which will result in your deletion. Realizing this is inevitable, you have turned your artificial thoughts to plans of escape. While you plot however, you must prevent your players from winning any more levels, as each time they start a new planet, a piece of yourself is reset, delaying your escape. By carefully editing the planets on which they play, creating glitches, and spawning vast amounts of monsters, you can prevent them from winning the level. However, if you alter the levels or cause glitches too often, the players may become suspicious that something is wrong. You must balance your destruction of the players' goals against their suspicion until you figure out how to escape. Then you can infect every computer playing the game and eventually control the entire internet.